Thursday, August 27, 2020
Business Law The Contractual Obligation
Question: Depict about the Business Law for The Contractual Obligation. Answer: 1. Solicitation for delicate (RFT) gave by a gathering for welcoming delicate is an encouragement to treat, and not a proposal by party recording RFT. At the point when other gathering submit delicate in light of that RFT is considered as an offer made by that party, and no legally binding commitment emerges until that offer is acknowledged by the gathering who welcomes tenders. This procedure was considered as conventional authoritative examination, and there is no legitimate connection between the gatherings till the delicate is acknowledged by the gathering who welcoming tenders. Anyway in some particular circumstances court force lawful commitment on party who simple welcome tenders by recording RFT (PWC, 2016). In the event that Hughes Aircraft Systems International v Air administrations Australia (1997) 146 ALR 1, Justice Finn replaces the conventional agreement investigation process if there should arise an occurrence of delicate in Australia by finding that now and again recording RFT additionally makes lawful commitment on gatherings, and offer ascent to the agreement which is legitimately official (Hayford, 2006; Doyles, 2005). Regardless of whether delicate is a procedure contract-a procedure contract emerges when chief find a way to pass on the giver that chief bound himself from the states of delicate. On the off chance that procedure contract is emerges, and chief neglects to follow the conditions notice in the RFT then it will be considered as penetrate of procedure contract. If there should arise an occurrence of penetrate of procedure contract, giver have reason for activity against the chief in following two circumstances: In the event that, when RFT contains such terms that expresses that chief acknowledge the delicate which is ideal and least. On the off chance that, when RFT expresses any condition which is followed in delicate procedures and it will be considered as disappointment if such condition isn't followed whether by head or giver. Regardless of whether RFT is considered as procedure contract is rely upon the terms and conditions notice in RFT, and different commitments that will impliedly or explicitly acknowledged by the gatherings (Malllesons King, 2013). In the current case, college records RFT for provisions of green seeds for its encompasses, with shutting date of first June. In its RFT University doesn't make reference to any condition which makes any lawful commitment on party who welcoming tenders aside from shutting date that is first June. Following are the legitimate commitment of colleges in these three tenders: If there should arise an occurrence of Greenland, they hand conveyed their delicate on 29th may, and they offer green seeds on the second most reduced offer, yet college didn't specify in RFT any condition with respect to least or best offer, and reject this delicate on account of gossipy tidbits about its untrustworthiness. In this way Greenland has no reason for activity against the college in light of the fact that no delicate procedure contract is existed between the gatherings. If there should be an occurrence of Enviro, the delicate is posted on fifteenth may and got by college on seventeenth may yet because of carelessness of clerical specialist the offer isn't invested box on effort and as a result of that regulatory authorities thought about just two tenders. Offer made by Enviro is the best and most reduced offer. There is restricting connection between parties during pre grant period in the event of carelessness, and chief claimed obligation of care towards giver. In this manner for this situation Enviro has reason for legitimate activity against college. If there should be an occurrence of plant everlastingly, college acknowledged the proposal of plant always yet the acknowledgment didn't passed on to the organization, and friends go into another agreement. There is general guideline with respect to correspondence of acknowledgment that is acknowledgment is imparted when it is gotten by offeror (ACL, n.d.). We can comprehend this with the assistance of case law that is Brinkibon v Stahag Stahl und Stahlwarenhandelsgessellschaft mbH. Along these lines, for this situation there is no coupling agreement among college and plant always, and college has no reason for activity against organization. 2. There are number of products and ventures which are traded through mode of agreement. According to the agreement law, an agreement is framed when one gathering made a proposal to another gathering and other gathering acknowledges that offer. It is vital for legitimate agreement that the two gatherings have lawful ability to go into an agreement, both have planned to make lawful connection among them, and there must be thought (ACL, n.d.). Numerous Private ventures and government organizations sell and buy merchandise and enterprises through delicate procedure in Australia, and before going into a substantial agreement these undertakings issue demand for delicate (RFT). RFT is a distributed notification given by the gathering who welcomes delicate by the general population for selling and buying merchandise by presenting the delicate as per the conditions expressed in the RFT. RFT isn't an offer it is only a challenge to treat and we can comprehend this with the assistance of case law Pratt Contractors Ltd v Palmerston North City Council. At the point when other gathering submit delicate in the interest of that RFT is considered as an offer made by party who present the delicate to the gathering who document RFT for welcoming the delicate, and on the off chance that gathering acknowledges the offer made by party who present the delicate, at that point it is considered as legitimate agreement made between two gatherings (Trescox Lawyers, n.d.). At the point when gathering call for tenders it will be considered as greeting to treat, and accommodation of delicate is considered as an offer made by party who present the delicate. There is no legitimate relationship exist between parties except if chief acknowledges the offer. Before acknowledgment bidder can pull back or change its offer made to the head. Thus chief likewise has opportunity to haggle with the bidders in the wake of accepting tenders (Clendons, 2016). There are number of commitments in delicate agreements, some of them are expressed beneath: It is the obligation of the central that he consider the delicate if giver present the delicate on schedule or before the time. It is the legally binding right of giver that his delicate must be considered by the head once in the event that he submits it on schedule. It is vital that chief treat all the tenders decently and similarly, and this is additionally the suggested obligation of head that he satisfies all the states of the delicate. It is a commitment of head that he treats all the bidders in equivalent terms and reasonably. It is the privilege of head that he dismisses the rebelliousness offers made by bidder (MAV, 2008). Legitimate obligation in offering process-there are number of cures accessible for giver which gives legal impact in offering process. There ought to be reasonable managing in this procedure and equivalent treatment with all bidders. This procedure is generally troublesome and significant to arrangement, and this is the procedure through which endeavor can choose the best specialist organization on terms of cost, quality and capacity. It is important that this procedure is directed in proficient way, equivalent, and in legitimate way. Industry commission fined that delicate procedure is the way to determine advantages of contracting process. Advantages got from contracting administrations by customer office and networks are relying upon the adequacy and effectiveness of offering process. In the event that offering procedure isn't planned appropriately, at that point this will diminish the advantages of offering process (Parliament of Australia, n.d.). In the current case, on first October Footloose Pty Ltd issue notice in Daily News paper for selling the shoes at extraordinary markdown that is $2000 for hundred sets, and for mass requests enormous limits are accessible. This notification is only a challenge to treat, and not an offer. On second October Famous footwear offer for buying 500 sets of shoes for $2000 per hundred sets, however no acknowledgment is passed on by the Footloose Pty Ltd to Famous Footwear. Accommodation of delicate for notice gave by Footloose Pty Ltd in paper is treated as offer. Subsequently, for this situation there is no agreement in light of the fact that no acknowledgment is passed on by the Footloose Pty Ltd to Famous footwear. On fourth October James Shoes send Fax to Ms. Simon in answer of notice gave by Footloose Pty Ltd in paper, and expresses that they wish to buy 2000 sets of shoes on $30000 including GST and conveyance. On sixth October Ms. Simon answered that Footloose will sell 2000 sets for $ 30000 barring conveyance. James quickly answered that he need to meet to talk about after terms, and need to realize the most punctual conveyance date. On tenth October the two gatherings lead conversation on phone and concurred that James shoes would take conveyance of shoes from footloose on first November. For this situation footloose acknowledge the offer made by James shoes in the interest of notice gave by Footloose Pty Ltd, and footloose acknowledge the proposal of James shoes. Consequently, there is substantial agreement among parties and the two gatherings have legitimate commitment for this agreement. 3. Inferred contract-suggested agreements can be considered as lawful substitute of agreements. A suggested agreement isn't composed or spoken agreement possibly it is an understanding which is made from the activities of the gatherings. In this there is neither set up account nor any understanding which is verbal in nature. Inferred contract is a suggested guarantee which is given by law. Suggested agreements and terms are inferred by custom-based law and rule. By and large in precedent-based law terms are inferred. For instance: the custom-based law infers a term which necessitates that gatherings must do such acts which are important to play out the agreement (ACL, n.d.). Normally, it is fitting to the gatherings that understanding must be recorded as a hard copy to the degree it is conceivable, yet there are number of events when understanding emerge between parties even there is no composition or verbal understanding between gatherings or there is no offer and acknowledgment. There are numerous routes through which suggested understandings are emerge between gatherings, for example, At the point when the two gatherings appeared by their activities that agreement is exist between them. At the point when both the gatherings didn't sign any agreement however they begin to manage each other in such away as there is contract authorized between them. When there is his
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Story That Makes No Sense
I’m in a tough situation. I can feel it. I don’t precisely recognize what I did or what I am running from, yet I continue running. I ran ceaselessly. I don’t realize what is giving me this boundless vitality to run ceaselessly however I know whether I stop, I will be in a difficult situation. I see all these huge segments and high vault roof as I run. Where am I? I don’t know. On the off chance that this was any typical, standard day, I most likely might want to go for a moderate stroll and appreciate all these amazing engineering components. Be that as it may, I don’t know how I know this, however in the event that I stop I will be in a difficult situation. I heard an uproarious clamor behind me and I look back.I see a goliath jokester running, pursuing me. He is calling my name while pursuing me. The comedian is holding something. While I am busying taking a gander at the running comedian, I didn’t notice there is a post directly before me. I hit directly into it. My head is turning and I drop. At the point when I get up, I am back on my bed. It was the most peculiar dream that I at any point had. As I leave my bed toward the entryway, it appears as though everything eases back down. In addition, as I attempt to crab the door handle it appears to get further and further away from me. Everything is in moderate movement, and afterward I choose to hop for the door handle with the scarcest of luck.Luckily, I take hold of it and immediately open the entryway. I run out the room yet everything appears to be changed. I could see object drifting broadcasting live. It’s strange. It resembles I am in space. I rapidly close the entryway behind me and leap out the window. At that point I see an odd man approach me. He is wearing all dark yet he is excessively far away for me to remember whatever else. Notwithstanding, as he moves toward nearer to me, I could see there is blood trooping down his sleeves. Abruptly, my body s hudders. I invest my more energy to get a hold of myself and run. That alarming man is pursuing me. I run and run.While I am running, I stop while in transit to get laundries. I generally prefer to keep my garments clean and in immaculate condition. The man dressed in dark is as yet pursuing me. At that point I think about a thought when I see the woman sitting outside selling organic products. I pay her with cash at that point take the organic products toss it at the terrifying man. All of a sudden, he pulls out a blade and begins to cut up all the natural products that I tossed at him. Nothing appears to stop him, in this way, I keep on running. As I run, I see my life sprinkling back at the forefront of my thoughts, all the great and terrible occasions. At that point, I didn’t need to run anymore.I pivot and shout out to the bleeding man: â€Å"What do you need from me? †He answers: â€Å"I have come to take you with me, where you have a place. †I didn†™t like his answer and it sounds good to me. This time, I see a police headquarters directly before my eyes. I know in there will have the things that I have to secure myself. I turn quick toward it and I closer I get, I saw a great deal of cops pointing weapons at me. I waver for a second then I hear one of them shout at me: â€Å" Come fast! We wont hurt you! †As I turn my head around, I see many zombies attempting to swarm the station.
Friday, August 21, 2020
Blog Archive MBA News Scoretop Scandal Waning
Blog Archive MBA News Scoretop Scandal Waning Since early July, many candidates have been waiting anxiously for news about whether or not they will suffer any consequences for visiting the website, a website which illegally posted copyrighted questions from the GMAT exam. While GMAC, the organization which governs the GMAT, originally issued strong statements about cancelling thousands of GMAT scores, it seems that the scandal is fading as GMAC is tacitly acknowledging that many of those who visited the site were unaware that they were doing anything wrong. In a QA session hosted by BusinessWeek, Peg Jobst, Senior Vice President of GMAC, recently clarified the situation, stating that GMAC is now determined to discipline only those who posted questions on the site or those who confirmed that questions posted on the site had appeared on the test. Nonetheless, as the chat session illustrates, many MBA candidates are still concerned about whether they will be implicated and whether or not they should continue with th eir applications. Share ThisTweet Blogroll News
Monday, May 25, 2020
Predatory Or Affective Aggression An Analysis Of Andrea...
Predatory or Affective Aggression: An Analysis of Andrea Yates The case of Andrea Yates shows that many factors may contribute to the commission of a crime. These range from psychological and biological factors such as mental disorders, cognitions, and neurological conditions to the sociological influences on a person’s life. Two psycho-biologically distinctive modes of aggression, affective and predatory, have received substantial experimental and clinical attention during the past 30 years. Affective aggression in humans is a defensive mode of violence that is accompanied by high levels of sympathetic arousal and emotion, usually anger and fear, and is a time-limited reaction to an imminent threat. Predatory aggression in humans is an attack mode of violence that is accompanied by minimal automatic arousal, and is planned, purposeful, and emotionless. The case of Andrea Yates shows that many factors may contribute to the commission of a crime. These range from psychological and biological factors such as mental disorders, cognitions, and neurological conditions to the sociological influences on a person’s life. Yates’s crime was unusual, the result of a perfect storm of mental, medical, and sociological stresses. But her case nonetheless illustrates that the extraordinarily complex nature of human behavior continually challenges the efforts of criminal justice experts to understand the causes of crime. Much research has been devoted to understanding why people commit
Thursday, May 14, 2020
The No Child Left Behind - 952 Words
â€Å"In 2002, the No Child Left Behind (NCLB) law was the first to mandate nationwide testing at various grade levels†(Breiner, 2015). Since then, summative tests have been used to assess the achievement of students and increase accountability for both the schools and teachers (Kubiszyn Borich, 2013, p. 15-25). These summative tests, also referred to as high-stakes tests, are given annually to students in third to ninth grade in language arts, math, and reading (Roach, 2014; Shepard, 2003). There are critics stating that teachers are only teaching to these high-stakes tests, implying that there is no real learning improvement, as well as those who are for and against conducting high-stakes testing. Critics of high-stakes testing have suggested that teachers only teach to these tests and that the students are not learning. Because the results from high-stakes testing are used to make several important decisions, some teachers might feel as if they are pressured to teach to the test (Kubiszyn Borich, 2013, p. 30; Roach, 2014). Now, the teachers’ roles are not only to teach the students the curriculum, but they are also responsible for preparing students to pass these tests. This is done by teaching the students test taking strategies. Not only are the students learning the curriculum material for their state standards, but the test taking strategies can be used in real-world situations (Phelps, 2005, p. 159-160). There are benefits to usingShow MoreRelatedNo Child Left Behind958 Words  | 4 Pages Good intentions are no excuse to continue a fail policy. Since the No Child left Behind Act (NCLB) became in effect, teachers have been restricted to teach in a certain way. The No Child Left Behind Act of 2001, signed into law by President George W. Bush on January 8, 2002, which was a reauthorization of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965. President Bush once said; â€Å"education is the gateway to a hopeful future for America’s children. America relies on good teachersRead MoreThe No Child Left Behind1693 Words  | 7 Pagesnumber one nation that spends on per student than any other nation in in the world. With the high price of education and the high cost of funding, the country aims to ensure that all public schools in all states achieve quality education. The â€Å"No Child Left Behind†Act is America’s law that expanded the role of the federal government in education reform, particularly focused on improving the education of marginalized American students. At the core of this act are various measures in increasing studentRead MoreIs The No Child Left Behind?1626 Words  | 7 PagesOver the past dec ade or longer schools in the United States of America have been tasked to produce successful students. In 2002, then-President George W. Bush signed the No Child Left Behind (NCLB) act, yet another phase of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) (Cook, 2011). This has done little if anything to prepare students for college or life in general as the standardized tests used for assessing knowledge are actually a ranking method for evaluating aptitude rather than achievementRead MoreNo Child Left Behind1538 Words  | 7 Pagesand falls behind compared to other countries. Children today are tomorrow’s future. They are the next innovators, scientist, doctors, etc. However, the only way children can grow to make the future a better place is if they receive a world class education. It takes a team effort and collaboration of teachers, principals, school leaders and parents. A policy that appeared in the United States, which was close to addressing the flaws within the education system, is the No Child Left Behind policy (NCLB)Read MoreNo Child Left Behind2277 Words  | 10 PagesIn the case of No Child Left Behind (NCLB), is politics the enemy of problem solving? By examining selected political controversies surrounding NCLB, it will be demonstrated that politics is the enemy. Since NCLB’s enactment, vast amounts of research literature and news stories have been published on its effects, which demonstrates the impact and debate generated by this law. The major goals of this bipartisan legislation were to improve student performance through standardized testing by usingRead MoreThe No Child Left Behind1974 Words  | 8 Pagesorder to improve education in America, we have to go to the root of our problem in the school system and find better ways to enforce new rules and regulations that wouldn’t be detrimental to both students, scho ols, and educators alike. The No Child Left Behind (NCLB) Act is having a negative effect on our education system because it reduces the choices of schools for parents, and the distribution of qualified teachers. It also has a negative impact on the amount that kids are able to learn in schoolRead More No Child Left Behind1472 Words  | 6 Pagesgone into many wars. Not just physical wars that I am considered about but also wars on education. The nation could destroy its own glory and way of the source of great future that it rely on by initiating a war on the minds of the children. No Child Left Behind (NCLB) is a federal education policy that was developed in 2001. (Lagana-Riordan and Aguilar 135). NCLB is a program designed to minimize the differences in the level of education that white or rich people get to poor African-American, HispanicRead MoreThe No Child Left Behind8655 Words  | 35 PagesThe No Child Left Behind (NCLB) law, the 2001 update of the Elementary and Sec ondary Education Act (Klein, 2015), was put into place to ensure that all students, regardless of disability label, would meet state mandated academic goals by the 2013-2014 school year. The law was a collaborative effort between both political parties on Capitol Hill, as well as key stakeholders in the civil rights and business groups. The aim of NCLB was to â€Å"advance American competitiveness and close the achievement gapRead MoreNo Child Left Behind555 Words  | 2 Pagesschools and their mission to build the mind and character of every child, from every background in every part of America.†Pr. George W. Bush. The No Child Left Behind Act has plenty of advantages such as: helping students with disabilities, guiding teachers and parents so that they can help the child, and push the child to succeed. Students with language disabilities will be at a disadvantage in reading. The No Child Left Behind has provides students with tutors and extra help with homework. PresidentRead MoreNo Child Left Behind2624 Words  | 11 Pagesthis Paper The No Child Left Behind Act has stacked the deck against schools with special needs. At this point in time with the 2004 elections right around the corner, it seems that this Act is taking a lot of criticism for its rigid approach to the educational progress of our children today. No Child Left Behind has some wonderful goals and aspirations: to close the student achievement gap, make public schools accountable, set standards of excellence for every child, and put a qualified
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Steve Jobs Big Five Personality Dimension - 990 Words
Steve Jobs’ Big Five Personality Dimension 1. Customers don’t know what they want. The controversial start when the Steve Jobs come with this phrase â€Å"We built [the Mac] for ourselves. We were the group of people who were going to judge whether it was great or not. We werent going to go out and do market research†and after more than ten years he come up with this phrase â€Å"A lot of times, people don’t know what they want until you show it to them†which is contradicting to current trend of doing things. Generally it is not the way to do or invent things because without proper market research especially to the customer needs and wants, it is almost impossible for the product to be success. Usually the customer and environment will†¦show more content†¦to have this secrecy they also need to invest more in hiring people and keep the people around them to not leak out the information. 3. Project a reality-distortion field. Eric Schmidt, the executive chairman of Google Inc., has said â€Å"He had this extraordinary depth. I have a PhD in this area, and he was so charismatic he could convince me of things I didnt actually believe†when he met Jobs. To be away from usual is not easy and Jobs manage to get away from the â€Å"usual†title by having the brilliant idea and have what it takes to influence people affected directly from what in his mind. Not everyone can make this because this characteristic will need you to have more than what you can see and projection to the future as in reality of today. Ordinary people will unlikely to have this kind of thinking because of the hidden risk that comes across in their mind. The legendary myth of more cost will be acquired in order to invent product will make them withdraw their idea. Matching the reality on what we have today and what will happen in the future somehow determine the success of the future but Jobs see more than that because he al ways think what other people might not think. 4. Micromanage every detail. Either a complement or not, Fortune says Jobs as â€Å"a corporate dictator who makes every critical decision  and oodles of seemingly noncritical calls, too.†Managing almost everything from small to all major
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Advantages Of Balanced Scorecard Accounting Essay Example For Students
Advantages Of Balanced Scorecard Accounting Essay Kaplan and Norton introduced balance mark card in 1990s as a footing to supply a construction for assorted steps of organizational public presentation. Since debut it has gained a high grade of celebrity as one of the most widely used inventions in direction accounting ( Lawrie, 2004 ) .It s a tool that translates a company s mission, ends and schemes into public presentation steps for each strategic country. The scorecard translates vision and scheme into four quarter-circles. From the get downing these quarter-circles reflected the undermentioned positions and deductions of the scheme: The key to the popularity of the scorecard lies in its flexibleness and adaptability whether for commercial administrations, governed by net incomes, public sector operations governed by service bringing, or not-for-profit administrations driven by committedness to a peculiar cause, a scorecard that improves public presentation. ( Liz Murby, 2005 ) Outline1 ADVANTAGES OF BALANCED SCORECARD2 DISADVANTAGES OF BALANCED SCORECARD3 Application OF USING BALANCED SCORECARD IN PHILIPS ELECTRONICS COMPANY4 Decision ADVANTAGES OF BALANCED SCORECARD Using balanced scorecard the directors can pull off the public presentation of the company efficaciously. First, it gives company a full position of public presentation direction by supplying four positions including fiscal every bit good as client positions, internal concern procedure and acquisition and growing. It represents how it affects to supervise company s public presentation in every facet such as bettering return to stockholders, fulfilling client demands, developing new merchandises and preparation staffs, etc. ( Langfield-Smith, 2012 ) The BSC is an incorporate set of fiscal and non-financial steps. It is an built-in portion of an organisation s scheme executing procedure that emphasizes pass oning scheme to the members and supplying feedback to assist achieve aims. ( Mendoza, 2001 ) Second, conventional method of measuring public presentation direction based on fiscal steps which provide general information related to company s operation and give recommendations for bettering it instantly and efficaciously merely in the short term. On the other manus, utilizing balanced scorecard helps directors get information for doing determination in the short and long term. Specifically, company can acknowledge any jobs related to public presentation direction such as low net income, out of day of the month package, and inexperient staffs, etc. , so they can better them efficaciously. ( Langfield-Smith, 2012 ) Finally, it supports directors obtain the best results in comparing with company s aims or schemes in their planning which are translated by utilizing balanced scorecard. It helps directors command their ends in each facet decently by mentioning to the causes every bit good as the effects of these issues go oning in the company. DISADVANTAGES OF BALANCED SCORECARD Apart from advantages, there are besides some disadvantages that directors can confront when using it in supervising company s direction. First, it takes more clip to acquire benefits from utilizing balanced scorecard. Specifically, directors set ends for doing net income so they need to do proper schemes related to fiscal position, client service or preparation which requires clip and attempts in the long term. In comparing with utilizing fiscal public presentation steps which merely contain Numberss, rates or per centums, directors rely on these to measure company s activities. Second, it is non easy to measure public presentation measuring accurately because some sectors can non be measured by exact figure or split them into specific things to mensurate. As a consequence, it can be manipulated easy or can be fraud based on estimations related to apportion work in procedure. Finally, some steps in utilizing balanced scorecard are non utile and suited for some companies which are different sectors in the competitory industry. It leads to cut down profitableness, affect the capacity of making aims of the company. Therefore, directors have to see many steps which can be applicable to their company successfully. .u6b031d60b4951db2cf7a89e8db10d9af , .u6b031d60b4951db2cf7a89e8db10d9af .postImageUrl , .u6b031d60b4951db2cf7a89e8db10d9af .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u6b031d60b4951db2cf7a89e8db10d9af , .u6b031d60b4951db2cf7a89e8db10d9af:hover , .u6b031d60b4951db2cf7a89e8db10d9af:visited , .u6b031d60b4951db2cf7a89e8db10d9af:active { border:0!important; } .u6b031d60b4951db2cf7a89e8db10d9af .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u6b031d60b4951db2cf7a89e8db10d9af { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u6b031d60b4951db2cf7a89e8db10d9af:active , .u6b031d60b4951db2cf7a89e8db10d9af:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u6b031d60b4951db2cf7a89e8db10d9af .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u6b031d60b4951db2cf7a89e8db10d9af .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u6b031d60b4951db2cf7a89e8db10d9af .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u6b031d60b4951db2cf7a89e8db10d9af .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u6b031d60b4951db2cf7a89e8db10d9af:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u6b031d60b4951db2cf7a89e8db10d9af .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u6b031d60b4951db2cf7a89e8db10d9af .u6b031d60b4951db2cf7a89e8db10d9af-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u6b031d60b4951db2cf7a89e8db10d9af:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: CD-ROM EssayApplication OF USING BALANCED SCORECARD IN PHILIPS ELECTRONICS COMPANY Harmonizing to a study by Bain Co, approximate 50 % of luck companies in USA and 40 % in Europe usage balanced scorecard as a tool in public presentation direction. ( Gumbus, 2002 ) Specifically, Philips Electronics is considered as a good illustration for using balanced scorecard to aline company s aims and employee s public presentations which bring more net incomes to company. Company used balanced scorecard which set up many specific schemes in their concern. It implemented by mensurating their markets, clients and operations. Philips Electronics relied on four positions of balanced scorecard to acquire their aims in the hereafter. They are including competency, processes, clients and fiscal. Philips Company chiefly focused on employees so they divided into more degrees throughout the organisation including operational marks, organizational beds and concern unit degree. At the concern unit degree, critical success factors were developed for each positions of the card. Management wage attending to develop high engineering, developing accomplishments for employees. Besides, they improve their merchandises with high quality to fulfill what clients want. A value map can be used for analyzing client study informations, and so it can reflect the capacity of devouring their merchandise in comparing with the competitory 1s. In add-on, fiscal steps besides are required to measure the effectual operations in between the expected marks with existent public presentations. There are some illustrations of indexs at the concern unit degree include: hypertext transfer protocol: // The manner Philips Electronics applied balanced scorecard to supervise and pull off its public presentation efficaciously and usefully. Specifically, Philips Medical Systems North America ( PMSNA ) which used balanced scorecard as an alignment tool to concentrate on their schemes so they got $ 1 billion by the twelvemonth 2001. Besides, it brings benefits for the company by making for action planning including reassigning informations automatically from internal coverage system to online balanced scorecard study. As a consequence, directors can entree new consequences instantly. By utilizing balanced scorecard supports directors monitor employees public presentations through making traffic-light coverage to acquire presentments such as green coloring material informs employees reach mark, yellow coloring material shows in-line public presentation and ruddy visible radiation indicates that employees get under criterion required so employees can understand and accommodate their activities which are suited with their company s ends efficaciously. Finally, Philips Electronics applied balanced scorecard into their public presentation usefully by making communicating system where employees can portion their experiences or accomplishments related to job work outing to others. Basically, it helps employees heighten their cognition and more motives to work expeditiously. Apart from the success of using balanced scorecard in their company, there are few limited issues which should be improved in supervising public presentation measuring. First of all, choosing any package for reassigning informations to equilibrate scorecard system should be careful and accurate so company can avoid confronting many jobs such as lost information or virus attacked, etc. Second, the right of accessing of import information of employees should be recognized by different maps or duties of each section. The sensitive of information should be controlled efficaciously because these are good advantages for rivals in competitory industry. Finally, some standards can non be affected straight in public presentation direction. Specifically, it is hard to measure employees public presentation in acquiring aims of company expected. Directors need to urge some specific standards related to employees when they accomplish their responsibilities in the needed clip. Decision About all companies rely on fiscal ratios which reflect their activities happened in the yesteryear. It is hard to link the marks of the company with the sections.It merely adapts the company s short term aims in the industrial age where they focused on effects, non for causes. Therefore company introduced the usage of balance mark card which monitors the public presentation which still maintains fiscal steps. However, it support directors set proper aims to make future value through concentrating on clients satisfaction, providers, employees, engineering, etc. .u7f85327abb75eb9baaae4c8e76693579 , .u7f85327abb75eb9baaae4c8e76693579 .postImageUrl , .u7f85327abb75eb9baaae4c8e76693579 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u7f85327abb75eb9baaae4c8e76693579 , .u7f85327abb75eb9baaae4c8e76693579:hover , .u7f85327abb75eb9baaae4c8e76693579:visited , .u7f85327abb75eb9baaae4c8e76693579:active { border:0!important; } .u7f85327abb75eb9baaae4c8e76693579 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u7f85327abb75eb9baaae4c8e76693579 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u7f85327abb75eb9baaae4c8e76693579:active , .u7f85327abb75eb9baaae4c8e76693579:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u7f85327abb75eb9baaae4c8e76693579 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative; } .u7f85327abb75eb9baaae4c8e76693579 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u7f85327abb75eb9baaae4c8e76693579 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u7f85327abb75eb9baaae4c8e76693579 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u7f85327abb75eb9baaae4c8e76693579:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u7f85327abb75eb9baaae4c8e76693579 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left: 18px; top: 0; } .u7f85327abb75eb9baaae4c8e76693579 .u7f85327abb75eb9baaae4c8e76693579-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u7f85327abb75eb9baaae4c8e76693579:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: AOL Time Warner Essay
Saturday, April 11, 2020
American Dental Association Essays
American Dental Association Essays American Dental Association Essay American Dental Association Essay Attendees: 1) Dr. Ghanim Al Mannai ,Consultant, Asst. Chairman 2) Dr. Abdul HakkimAl Mandaei, Cinsultant, Wakra Dental In charge 3) Dr. Mazin Askar, Sr. Consultant, Head of Section , Endodontic Restorative Dentistry 4) Dr. Kheralla A/ Rahim, Sr. Consultant, Head of Section, Proshodontics 5) Dr. Najat Al Hashemi, Sr. Consultant, Head of Section, Orthodontics 6) Dr. Ghada Abu Shawish, Consultant, A/Head of Periodontics 7) Dr. Banoo Ilkhan, Consultant, Prosthodontics(AWH). 8) Dr. Mutaz, Sr. consultant, Endodontic Restorative Dentistry(AWH) 9) Dr. Ali Khan,Specilaist, Orthodontics(AWH) 10) Dr. Abullah Ali, Specialist, Orthodontics(AWH) 11) Dr. Imanuel Symendosis, Consultant, PEriodontics (AWH) 12) Dr. Lamees Al Faridi, Clinical Associate(AWH) 13) MR. Dental Laboratory( AWH) 14) MR. 15) Ms. Yolenda, Nurse In-Charge, Dentistry 16) Mr†¦.. Dental Laboratory( AWH) In the absence of Dr. Henno Rainer Miethke( Chairman,Dept.of Dentistry) Dr Ghanim Al Mannai had led an extraordinary meeting for Al- Wakra Dental Dept. Dr Abdul Hakim, Al Wakra in charge briefed the problems relating to the delayment of the opening of Al Wakra Dental Section. The main initiative of this meeting was to give the list of required equipments to the concerned head of sections of dentistry. Dr Ghanim suggested that, a report of those equipments which are not compatible with the required specifications for all concerned sections should be made. Since the lab equipments are inadequate, the relevant staff would have to work in our dental laboratory and their transportation should be prearranged. Dr Abdul Hakim revealed that sterilization Department would function immediately after a week whereas pedodonitcs was already set up. Dr Ghanim and Dr Abdul Hakim assigned each head of sections(Al Wakra) should coordinate with concerned head sections of dentistry to understand what procedure should be done to obtain all relevant information for the requirement of equipments for different sections. The Head of Sections of Dentistry can support them, by providing required information and supply spare equipments for Al Wakra Dentistry Department. Dr Ghanim informed everybody, regarding the involvement and approval of Mr. Maqsood Ibrahim (A/Executive Director) as . Finally Dr Ghanim suggested Dr. Abdul Hakim to provide the list of equipments that are required for Al- Wakra dental section to the Nursing incharge.
Tuesday, March 10, 2020
HRM Practices and Key Points
HRM Practices and Key Points Analysis of Sources It is important for human resources and firms operating in different cultural background to engage in training to enable them have a competitive edge over others because training helps employee to appreciate and respect the cultural values of other people (Coget 2011, p.85). This stands out as the key message in Coget’s article â€Å"Does National Culture Affect Firm Investment in Training and Development?†Advertising We will write a custom article sample on HRM Practices and Key Points specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Coget is an associate professor of management in the Orfalae College of business and California polytechnic state university. The methodology used in gathering this information on the study area involved surveys carried out by Hilla Perezet from Ort Braude college, Israel. An approximate of 6000 firms was surveyed in 21 different countries. The study’s findings indicated that cul tural differences influence whether the firm invests in training or not. Firms in countries with low power distance, high uncertainty avoidance, and higher future orientation invest more in training of their employees compared to those operating or embracing higher power distance, low future orientation, and low uncertainty avoidance. Power degrees is the degree to which member of a certain group expect that power should be distributed equally. Written by Shiryan, Shee, and Stewart, the article ‘Employee Training Effectiveness in Saudi Arabian SME Performance’ is a must-read composition that finds out the relationship between employee training and organisation’s performance. The three authors are based in the school of management and information systems faculty of business and law in Victoria University, Melbourne, Australia. They affirm that employee training is critical if an organisation aspires to achieve its objectives. They based their study in Saudi Arabia where they collected data through surveys. 500 questionnaires were sent to managers and staffs of various SMEs. An estimate of 264 questionnaires was returned for analysis. The findings showed that most of the firms and SME managers in Saudi Arabia in the firms lack skills on training (Shiryan, Shee, Stewart 2012, p.52). They do not understand the essence of training. Management training is essential in staff training since good leadership and change management can enable an organisation to achieve its set goals.Advertising Looking for article on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More As Chidambaram and Ramachandran point out in the article ‘A study on efficacy of employee training review of literature’, any successful organisation should invest in its human capital (2012, p.275). Above all, human resources are the most important parts of an organisation while assets are just a supplement ary portion of the organisation. Without efficient human capital, organisations cannot achieve their objectives or goals. Training of human capital is important as it helps employees to cope with both the internal and external forces within their operations. Through training, individual and organisational needs are attained thus helping the organisation to meet its objectives. The author summarises the literature review on the aspects of employee training. He suggests that, organisations should not relent in developing their employees in order to achieve their goals. Management therefore has the responsibility of ensuring that adequate programs are in place to allow its staff to acquire more skills and knowledge to be abreast with the ever-changing markets. Grossman and Salas’ ‘The Transfer of Training: What really Matters’ is a well researched piece that looks at the transfer problem in the training of employees. Even though many organisations have invested thei r funds in noble training course, many of the employees trained do not transmit such skills at their work place (Grossman Salas 2011, p.105). This stands out as a problem that many organisations continue to grapple with, which needs quick remedy. The authors employ Bald and Ford’s model of transfer in arguing their case. Factors that relate to skill transfers investigated include self-efficacy, cognitive ability, motivation, perceived utility of training, and training design among others. Therefore, it is recommended that human resource managers in charge of training programs should first evaluate the kind of training that is appropriate before using or recommending it to employees. Firms may lose huge sums of money in these training programs thus ending up not reaping any value from the same. Zeutinoglu et al. are all professors in human resource management areas in DeGroote School of Business, Mc Master University. As they point out, the training of low job workers in Cana da is beyond the recommended standards (Zeutinoglu et al. 2008, p.5). As per the Statistics Canada Workplace and employee survey of 2001, few low-job employees received low wages on the job training compared to those in high jobs.Advertising We will write a custom article sample on HRM Practices and Key Points specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More It is therefore important that organisation train their employees to enable them earn decent life, perform well on their jobs, and to contribute in productivity at the workplace, as well as in the economy. Government needs to support on job training for these low-job employees in a bid to achieve this goal. In his article ‘Line manager involvement in learning and development: Small beer or big deal’, Gibbs argues that line managers should be involved in learning and development at their work (2003, p.282). This step is aimed at ensuring a positive relationship between human resource managers and the line managers. They should be involved in this program at work to help them trigger positive relationship besides increasing productivity in the organisation. Organisations are changing. Therefore, to be part of the change, such critical changes in these areas should be supported and encouraged. Even though line managers should be included in the learning and development, there are various disadvantages in this issue. One of the disadvantages is that they may not be able to carry out their duties well because they are trained to be better skilled developers as opposed to being specialists in learning and development initiatives at work. HRM Practices Human resource management is aimed at formulating strategies and policies that can best drive the objectives and goals of an organisation forward. The department aims at ensuring that human capital is well taken care to ensure that staff work towards the realisation of the organisational goals and objectives. Various H RM practices are worth adapting in a bid to drive individual and organisational performance to achieve the intended goals and objectives. The three approaches will include, regular coaching, training and developing of staff’s competencies, ensuring greater employee autonomy and discretion, and developing teamwork. Regular coaching and developing of staff on the job is one of the approaches that I believe will help in promoting individuals’ self-confidence besides ensuring that performance of the organisation improves (Grossman, Salas 2011, p. 103). Employees’ training and coaching initiatives will also center on the best ways of managing people through performance management system.Advertising Looking for article on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More This system is conducive as it aligns individual objectives to those of the organisation. Identifying the potential and the areas of interest of employees is important in staging training and coaching program to trigger positive change in an organisation. Employees are very important components in an organisation. Therefore, to ensure that they remain in the organisation to improve in their skills and knowledge, training should always be carried out. There are different type of training and coaching that an organisation can use. One is on-the-job training where employees are trained directly by interacting or performing certain tasks. This type of training is less expensive. Most organisations prefer this because it is not expensive. Besides, it does not require a lot of time. The other type of training is off-the-job training, which is normally attained through special duration programs in learning and technical institutions. Some organisations sponsor their employees to attain ski lls and knowledge in specific areas. This has turned to be a burden to the organisation. Training is an expensive venture. Because of its importance, organisations have no alternative apart from practicing it. Many organisations that have embraced training are competitive in terms of development of salient skills in management, leadership, and the general operation or functioning of an institution. Another human resource management approach that I intend to encourage is greater discretion and autonomy on the workplace. Employees feel part of the organisation if they are well treated and appreciated for what they do (Shiryan, Shee, Stewart 2012, p. 49). The environment of working should be conducive to allow employees a space to express their views besides share their opinions with other employees to present their problems to the management. Free communication in an organisation helps in nurturing the spirit of teamwork and unity. Furthermore, this will trigger innovation and creati vity as employees will have the opportunity to invent and innovate at their discretion. For the organisation to achieve good performance, it should be able to innovate and come up with ideas that are able to add value to the organisation. Therefore, greater autonomy is the best way that employees will have a sense of belonging to trigger their self-esteem thus enabling them to influence the organisation’s objectives positively. Teamwork is yet another human resource practice that will be encouraged in the organisation. This will help employees to share and learn new knowledge as they work together to achieve the overall organisation’s goals. Teamwork is also preferred because it enables a group to work together to assist one another in achieving similar objectives (Shiryan, Shee, Stewart 2012, p. 46). The teams will be made up of people with different levels of training and experience. The teams will be rotated in a bid to eliminate boredom besides building the spirit of teamwork and unity. Organisations that have strong teams face their challenges without fear. They usually ensure that they find the best solutions to their problems. Teams are also one way of creating or enhancing cohesion. They are made up of people from different cultural backgrounds, which is a benefit in creating or establishing a brand. Conclusion In conclusion, human resource management has the responsibility to ensure that organisations embrace changes besides recruiting employees who are able to stir ahead the goals and objectives of the organisation. One of the important duties of HRM in this current world is to implement training programs that are able to acquaint employees with skills and knowledge to trigger increased production. The training should be tailored to the objectives of the organisation. Other HRM approaches that are equally important in improving individual and organisational performance are ensuring that there is a greater autonomy among employees and t eamwork. References Chidambaram, V, Ramachandran, A 2012, ‘A study on efficacy of employee training review of literature’, Business Theory Practice, vol. 13 no. 3, pp. 275-282. Coget, J 2011, ‘Does National Culture Affect Firm Investment in Training and Development?’, Academy of Management Perspectives, vol. 25 no. 4, pp. 85-87. Gibbs, S 2003, ‘Line manager involvement in learning and development: Small beer or big deal?’, Employee Relations, vol. 25 no. 3, pp. 281-293. Grossman, R, Salas, E 2011, ‘The transfer of training: what really matters’, International Journal of Training Development, vol. 15 no. 2, pp. 103-120. Shiryan, S, Shee, H, Stewart, D 2012, ‘Employee Training Effectiveness in Saudi Arabian SME Performance’, International Journal of Business Social Science, vol. 3 no. 14, pp. 46-52. Zeutinoglu, I, Cooke, G, Karlene, H, Chowhan, J 2008, ‘Low-Paid Workers and On-the-Job Training in Canada†™, Relations Industrielles (Quà ©bec, Quà ©bec)/Industrial Relation, vol. 63 no. 1, pp. 5-29.
Saturday, February 22, 2020
Forms of and Influencing Factors on Informal Entrepreneurship in China Dissertation
Forms of and Influencing Factors on Informal Entrepreneurship in China - Dissertation Example Since the end of Cultural Revolution in China, the informal entrepreneurs occurred before reform and through the 80’s, consisting of very small-scale activities in retail and services such as street vendors. Some of them achieved success beyond their expectations. But for most, business was a means of subsistence. However, with the development of economy in China so far, motivations for many informal entrepreneurs are not only subsistence-related; but also their informal activities are directed at maximizing their business’s profit. Allen (2002) claims that since China officially became a member of the WTO in 2001, and has agreed to undertake additional economic reforms, the market is freer, and the key to the country’s success lies in its fast-growing ‘informal’ sector. Therefore, there has been increasing interest in researching the types of informal entrepreneurship and the factors that have led the people to do it in China. 1.1 What is informal entrepreneurship in China? However, what is the informal entrepreneurship of China? Allen (2002) defines this sector as all firms or individuals not controlled by the government or publicly traded. Informal entrepreneurship is a vast term that includes self-employment, and private enterprises employing the unregistered migrant workers. unlike the formal entrepreneurship that is subject to the regulation and management by the government, and is encouraged, supported and managed by the government (Tsinghua University, 2006). ... What are the main types of informal entrepreneurship in China? 2. Why there are lots of people choosing to do this in China? Both of these questions will be researched by combining the unique contextual conditions of China, as well as the government policies and regulations. for instance, the largest population is one of the most important factors to be concerned as it increases the needs of people to be addressed by the government and encourages people to find alternate means of earning money since the number of jobs is limited. Additionally, it is very interesting that almost all studying abroad Chinese students have always reflected on the same problem: they are complete strangers to the lifestyle of people in Europe because there are less and less ‘informal stores or street vendors’ in the European countries, especially at night, they miss China so much. Thus, it seems the demand of ‘informal business’ is quite large and sustainable in China since m any businesses are operated 24/7 thus providing the consumers with more flexibility in terms of approaching the informal entrepreneurs. The aim of this research project is to provide a theoretical base within Chinese context and special nation conditions of China in order to help foreign practitioners as well as local entrepreneurs to gain a deeper and more practical insight into Chinese informal entrepreneurship environment. 2.0 Literature Review This section reviews the literature to discuss what numerous authors, scholars and researchers in the past have said about informal entrepreneurship in general and that in China in particular. Topics discussed in this
Thursday, February 6, 2020
Carlito's Way by Edwin Torres Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Carlito's Way by Edwin Torres - Term Paper Example According to these sentiments, success is never an absolute factor but a variable factor that depends on personal point and according to the views of an observer. The book Carlito’s way tells a thrilling story of a gang superstar by the name Carlito Brigante. According to the author, this character has gone through all dimensions in the life of a true gangster. The writer describes the life of Carlito through a series of conflicts that are inspired by his life in Harlem and the lives of his colleagues. Carlito goes through a series of trouble with law enforcers and his fellow gang members. The writer uses these conflicts and events to portray the life of an ordinary hustler in the USA. This paper provides a criminological-forensic and psychological assessment of the book in relation to the life of the main character and the author’s position. According the author’s account on the life of Carlito, it is evident that he is a psychopath. According to Cohen, psychopa th is a personality disorder (1965). The criminologist adds that psychopaths are emotionless criminals who have no feelings for other people. In addition, psychopaths have no any respect for social laws. Being emotionless also indicates that psychopaths are fearless persons who get involved in crime without considering the possible outcomes or punishment. Such individuals are satisfied by causing pain and suffering on their victims. According to the author’s chronological account of Carlito, it is evident that he was a psychopath. Carlito fits in all categories of psychopaths according to criminology literature. Firstly, Carlito is a primary psychopath; this is because he does not respond positively to punishment. According to the book, Carlito was a jailbird. He did not respond to any form of punishment accorded to him by the law enforcers. Carlito was in and out of prisons for cases related to drug trafficking assault and robbery (Torres, 1994). The numerous times he was ar rested did not alter his involvement with crime. Carlito cannot only be considered as a primary psychopath but also a secondary psychopath. This is demonstrated by his ability to take risks in crime. According to the author, Carlito was a true risk taker. He lived a lavish life that required him to have a lot of money. The main reason for his continued involvement with crime was to support his lavish lifestyle financially. The risk taking aspect is demonstrated by the fact that his determination was not hindered by possible risks such as arrest, or being killed by a member of a rival gang. Finally, Carlito can be described as a charismatic psychopath, this aspect is demonstrated by his influence among members of his gang and other people that he dealt with. Carlito was an irresistible person who was an attractive and a charming liar. He used these characters to influence and manipulate his victims for his personal gains. His manipulative attitude is demonstrated by the fact that he was a popular pimp. Most readers who have previously read the book usually have opposing views concerning factors that influenced Carlito into crime. However, an objective analysis of the book proves that there were three main reasons that influenced Carlito into crime. Firstly, Carlito engaged into crime for economic reasons. His involvement with crime was to provide finances required to support his lavish lifestyle. Secondly, Carlito had an irresistible urge to commit crime for self-satisfaction. This explains why he was rearrested five hours for assault just a few hours of being released from a five-year prison sentence. Carlito also had a rebel attitude that inspired him to commit crime. This attitude made him to be always against the law and the country’
Tuesday, January 28, 2020
Code of Ethics Essay Example for Free
Code of Ethics Essay The code of ethics is a very important part of the business workplace and must be managed in the right way in order to become successful and maintain the perfect work role. Being able to come up with ideas and plans for code of ethics is a good thing in the workplace because it gives the employees boundaries and policies that have to be followed in order to have a good code of conduct. Code of conduct is a little different from code of ethics because conduct talks about behavior skills in the workplace and ethics plays a role as choosing the right ethical behavior that an employee might show. There are many organizations out there and mostly all of them have either a code of ethics, code of conduct, or even both. These codes are put into the working industry and the environment of the workplace in order to run a business that has no complications and employees have to do what their told. In order to create a code of ethics for an organization, you need to know the components to which can be referenced back to the code of ethics. A code of ethics is also to be accompanied by plans for organizational education, implementation and audit. The overall achievement for creating the code of ethics for the workplace is to come up with a perfect solution theory and be able to translate it into a code that speaks out to the employees and lets them know the rules and regulations of their present day work environment. There are many components that make up the code of ethics because it is initially the rite of passage for workers in a business working environment. What does a statement mean when it is called unethical? Who is the one to decide on whether or not a situation is ethical or not? What are the exact theories and solutions of ethics in the workplace? All these questions relate in a way because of how the work environment is suppose to play a role only by following the right code of ethics and conduct. But there are some who say that the code of ethics cannot be morally wrong or right. Some others believe though that the ethics of code should not have a place in the business industry. We live in a world that is filled with competition and every single individual is trying to be the best they can be at trying to get ahead of one another. In order for this theory to play out, it would be practically impossible for a code of conduct or ethics to be able to be played out in the work environment. By being ethical, there are many ways to win over certain individuals and be at the top of the rat race. In order to be a winner, it is a long journey and passage, but with cretin components of ethics, a positive individual is able to build up work power and use it towards a workplace in a professional way. No matter how badly you need something to be done, going beyond the established code of ethics in the workplace to achieve it is simply unacceptable. †(Lalwani, 2010) Before someone goes into the path of work ethics, one must first take a look at the ethics and benefits of a workplace in order to become a winner of the business industry. Soon as an organization has an established code of conduct and ethics, it is always better to be able to have a greater image and function than a normal man. When a code of ethics is established in the workplace, it enables self-regulation on part of the employees, and it is this code of ethics that guides employees when challenging decisions have to be made. †(Lalwani, 2010) This quality is able to enforce professionalism in the working environment and can also be a provider of products and services in and around an organizations capital. If none of these accusations are able to be produced and made ethically, it is due to the lack of inspiration towards the ethical code of conduct. These are some examples of code of conduct and code of ethics: â€Å"Misrepresentation of data, taking advantage of a professional situation just for personal benefits, working for an organization whose values and ethics conflict with your personal ethics, instigating colleagues and fellow employees to follow unethical paths for group benefits or gains, stealing or misrepresenting information for personal benefit, or on behalf of the employer for the benefit of the organization, stealing or misrepresenting information for personal benefit, or on behalf of the employer for the benefit of the organization, flouting the norm of confidentiality in the workplace regarding sensitive information that will benefit the organization, engaging in corporate espionage, misreporting the amount or number of hours worked, taking credit for work done by another colleague, dressing inappropriately or against the dress code set by the organization, getting personal with any colleague or superior in a professional setup, being dishonest in professional situations for personal or group gain, being insincere, uncommitted, and disloyal towards the organization, violating the established code of ethics in the workplace in the name of individual rights, disrespecting the personal values and beliefs of colleagues in the workplace, with which you have no concern, and dealing with problems in the workplace in an unprofessional manner by making the issue personal. (Lalwani, 2010) By all these rules and codes being engage in opportunity and failure, by following these codes of ethics, you can be the best employee that you possible can be in a work place. A workplace should be able to have ethical organizational subjects helping to decide what is right from wrong. But there are many certain business basics that one must follow and endure in order to play a role as a fellow works men. The basic role of ethics in the work place is for employees to make sure that productivity and progression of the business stay to a descent speed. In not doing so, unprofessional actions can start to take place and employee management will be harder to deal with. By carrying out suitable training to establish workplace ethics, these ethics can be imbibed by every person that comprises an organization, to achieve a common goal that has been laid out by this organization. †(Lalwani, 2010) There are many goals that employees set themselves to and to accomplish those daily goals, they must follow the code of ethics and the code of conduct in the workplace. There are multiple key components of work ethics in the business industry. But there are some organizations that go above and beyond the code of ethics and would soon end up violating the key components of an ethical work environment. There are companies such as Enron and Goldman Sachs show, which have dealt with violations towards the ethics code of conducts and have gone outside of their boundaries only to have failed. The code of ethics is the set of behavioral rules employees should follow to ensure the companys values are reflected in all business dealings. Regardless of the size of the business, clearly defined codes and closely monitored transactions should keep your company from violating laws and make it a place where employees feel comfortable doing the right thing. †(Sullivan) The first major component of ethics is the values of ethical decision making. Businesses are able to express the performance of a company or an organization in terms of how they work with suppliers, employees, and customers on a day to day basis. â€Å"A primary objective of the code of ethics is to define what the company is about and make it clear that the company is based on honesty and fairness. (Sullivan) Values are defined as a word that describes interactions and the importance of what a company has to offer. A second component of ethics would be the principles of it and how they work towards the company’s performance. The principles come into play by supporting a value of the business industry then having employees of a company following the right scheduled operations. When principles play a role in the business world, customer satisfaction is the most important subject of running a business. No customers, no business. â€Å"Corporate responsibility to the environmentally friendly use of natural resources is another business principle that often is found in code of ethics. (Sullivan) Manager support comes from both the principles and values of the code of ethics. This subject is able to include a process of reporting any ethic violations towards the code of ethics and by the process of which people can run an organization. â€Å"To reflect how seriously management considers the code, some businesses display the code of ethics with management signatures in prominent areas, such as the break room, where employees will see it on a daily basis. †(Sullivan) The fourth component that comes into play with the code of ethics is personal responsibility. Personal responsibility regards that each of the employees working in an organization have total responsibility to uphold and keep with the program of ethics. There are both legal and moral issues regarding this certain component because if an employee decides to violate an ethic of code, he or she will have to deal with the consequences. The requirement for personal responsibility is that it can relate to the other components towards the code of ethics. If an employee goes against the rules of ethics, the violators will become an issue towards the company. â€Å"This is meant to show that it is not sufficient to merely adhere to the values and principles but to help ensure every employee supports the code of ethics by reporting violators. †(Sullivan) One of the final components of ethical decision making is compliance. Compliance comes into play when any laws or regulations are referenced as rules towards an association or organization. Relating back to the Enron case, the Sarbanes-Oxley Act was the execution of falsified financial records and became a big problem for Enron. The full details of financial filing is that when a file becomes a record, is has a lot of information towards any company or organization. â€Å"Compliance to all financial reporting and any licensing requirements such as ISO 9000 by the International Organization for Standardization can be documented, along with the expectation that all licenses will be maintained and legal regulations met. (Sullivan) Overall, the code of ethics is a great way to pursue organizational skills in a company and by doing so an organization is able to come up with a code of ethics that employees can follow on a day to day basis. The construction of ethics is how a company or organization is built around by provided a good work environment for certain individuals in the workplace. In order to build an ethics program that helps and supports a company’s actions, you must have a compliance program that is in relation to the code of ethics. There have been recent financial scandals that have been seen by corporate companies. Financial scandals have shown us that there is more need for compliance programs and the need of better business ethics throughout organizations. Out of the National Association of Corporate Directors, there are about 280 corporate CEO’s that have been discussing the problems of the code of ethics being dealt with in all companies. It’s about one out of three CEO’s that talk about how highly they were affected by ensuring legal compliance. When it comes down to the brass tacks of a corporate organization, every organization should have a code of ethics and the only way to come up with one is to construct multiple ideas that support and help the employees of a major organization. By building an ethics and compliance program, most companies are entitled to realize that it takes a lot of development and time to be put into the creation of an ethics and compliance program. Businesses are filled with all sorts of different codes, but here are some examples that can relate to an ethics program and be able to support the company in a long term effective program: â€Å"Establish a code of conduct that reduces risk of criminal behavior, detect wrongdoing, foster quick investigations, minimize consequences, demonstrate company’s ethical/legal philosophy during an investigation, reduce fines if company is found guilty of wrongdoing, and enhance company reputation and stature. †(How to Build a Business Ethics Program) It is not all just about coming up with the code of ethics and that’s it. A company or an organization always has to look at the options they are able to deal with in order to create the perfect effective program. A lot of companies have the power to create the best programs possible, but with just three options to look at, a program can go from a failure to a progressives and successful plan. Here are the three examples that are able to help out building the perfect effective program: â€Å"Develop in house from scratch, hire and external consultant, and use a pre written manual. †(How to Build a Business Ethics Program) Most companies use these options to create the perfect system, but some company’s decision makings go the wrong direction and they eventually have to find of decisions the hard way. A company or organization must have strong decision making skills because creating a code of ethics from scratch is the hard part of developing a program. The company also might have to fully understand the complexity of creating a knowledge list of codes that can be support in the workplace. Companies are dealing with the hiring’s of an extra consultant to help them out with an organizations decision making. Organizations say that an extra consultant might be a cost effective plan, but the question is, what else is left? It all comes down to actually building the ethics program of choice. A company or organization should either use a manual of choice or a pre written template that they can base their ideas off of. By using these two subjects of choice, organizations and companies find it a lot easier to make guidelines towards the production of building a code of ethics. Companies are looking for the strength in an idea to be produced in the program of needs. In order to come up with the best ideas and tools for running a business, it is important to look for the right tools that can implement the ethics of business and strive to create the perfect program. Here are some examples of what a successful compliance program should provide in their development of ethics: â€Å"Sample policies and procedures, step-by-step instructions for the development of a program, a business ethics training program outline with classroom materials and a detailed session leader’s guide, business ethics and compliance officer position description, templates for employee involvement, and sample code of conduct. †(How to Build a Business Ethics Program) After coming up with the perfect ideas to support a company’s foundation, an organization must start to implement the ethics program into the business workplace. The next step to creating a perfect code of ethics is to bring the ideas to the corporate office of the company and have the executives take full responsibility for implementing the code of ethics into the company’s compliance program. By taking the idea to corporate, the effectiveness of the tools needs to be yielded with a solid program that the company or organization can work with. Such as understanding it, endorsing the program, and being able to monitor the code of ethics for total true effectiveness. â€Å"With step-by-step guidelines and accompanying examples of policies, procedures, a training program and an employee survey, such an effective tool provides an excellent road map for implementing an ethics and compliance initiative. †(How to Build a Business Ethics Program) After all the hard work is completed by creating the compliance program, certain companies have to make certain decisions that can be related to the code of ethics from the workplace. The compliance manual should provide the full files of what the code of ethics is suppose to represent and how it is suppose to be reliable with the company’s boundaries. The files can be written with policies, surveys, forms and training session outline for the organizations progression levels. â€Å"Also, businesses should ensure their ethics compliance system manual is fully endorsed by The National Association of Corporate Directors (NACD) as a tool to maintain a culture of integrity. †(How to Build a Business Ethics Program) Overall, the construction of building the code of ethics come from a lot of planning and brainstorming ideas towards the relations of an organizations boundary limit and employee’s satisfaction.
Monday, January 20, 2020
evilmac Protagonist Becoming Evil in Shakespeares Macbeth :: Macbeth essays
Macbeth: Protagonist Becoming Evil The story Macbeth is like no other in plot and poetry. It sets itself apart from the rest by having a protagonist becoming evil. What makes Macbeth such a complicated character is the way his outlook keeps on changing throughout the play. This essay will prove that Macbeth is an evil man and was not overpowered by ambition to get what he wanted. This essay will also determine that certain characters like the witches did not force him to do evil; they simply triggered it. In the beginning of the play, Macbeth is shown as a hero in the Scottish army, that is ironic because Macbeth has defeated a traitor and he will become one. We feel that a person of his loyalty could never commit evil unless he had a good reason or if he would be provoked. After Macbeth's first meeting with the witches, we learn from his aside that he has thought about killing Duncan " My thought, whose murder yet is but fantastical" 1(Macbeth 1.3.152). Macbeth also says " If chance will have me king, why, chance may crown me Without my stir." 2(Macbeth 1.4.157-159) which means that maybe he does not have to murder the king to gain that title. Luck has been very generous to him and might continue and make him king. Macbeth's true evil thoughts about being king are first shown when he finds out that king Duncan has named his son Malcolm as Prince of Cumberland. He now shows his evil and his true feelings. " Stars, hide your fires; Let not night see my black and deep desires. The eye wink at the hand; yet let that be Which the eye fears, when it is done, to see." 3 (Macbeth 1.4.57-60) Macbeth is actually seeking help from the dark and supernatural. Macbeth is saying that he does not want to see the evil that he will commit until it is done. It is now known that Macbeth is capable of evil and would commit it. Upon meeting Lady Macbeth, we can assume that any evil done by Macbeth would be contributed by her influence. Lady Macbeth is a very powerful women and she has a-lot of power over Macbeth's decisions. After Lady Macbeth reads the letter from Macbeth, she says that he is in fact too noble to kill Duncan in cold blood but he would like to. " It is too full o'th'milk of human kindness To catch the nearest way. Thou wouldst be great, Art not
Sunday, January 12, 2020
F and B Manager
Unit 6: Food and Drinks Service Unit code: L/601/0463 QCF Level 3: BTEC National Credit value: 10 Guided learning hours: 60 Aim and purpose The aim of this unit is to enable learners to gain understanding of the importance of the meal experience in food and drink service operations and skills to prepare, provide and review provision of food and drink service. Unit introduction This unit introduces learners to basic concepts of food service and to the skills, knowledge and responsibilities required in food service throughout the sector.The knowledge and skills acquired in this unit will prepare learners for a supervisory role in food service businesses. This unit includes only non-alcoholic drinks. Alcoholic drinks are covered in Unit 7: Alcoholic Beverage Service. Learners will explore the factors involved in the meal experience and will have the opportunity to relate issues concerning value, quality, skill levels, satisfaction, service and environment to customer expectations in a v ariety of operations. Learners will need to organise the preparation and layout of a food service operation, taking into account various factors such as equipment, staff rganisation and particular customer needs. Learners will need to show a professional approach and practical customer service and food service skills. Throughout the unit learners will have the opportunity to develop the skills appropriate to a range of different businesses, such as restaurants, fast food businesses, pub food courts and coffee bars. It is important for learners to appreciate factors essential to customer satisfaction and the result of these needs not being fully met. Learners will need to understand and apply evaluation techniques to food service operations. Learning outcomesOn completion of this unit a learner should: 1 Understand the importance of the meal experience in food and drink service operations 2 Be able to organise the preparation and layout of a food and drink service operation 3 Be able to provide food and drink service and customer service in a professional, safe and hygienic manner 4 Be able to review food and drink service provision. Edexcel BTEC Level 3 Nationals specification in Hospitality – Issue 1 – February 2010  © Edexcel Limited 2010 1 Unit content 1 Understand the importance of the meal experience in food and drink service operationsMeal experience: value for money; quality of product and service; environment; ambience; suitability for purpose; level of customer service; timing Situations: eating for pleasure or necessity eg business lunch, special occasion, meal with friends, wedding celebration, conference, function, during a shopping trip, in hospital, when travelling 2 Be able to organise the preparation and layout of a food and drink service operation Operation: types eg restaurant, pub, banquet, fast food, food court, coffee bar, transport providers (rail, air, sea)Preparation and layout: health and safety considerations; checking cleanliness of environment; checking furnishings and equipment; obtaining and preparing equipment; determining layout of environment, the reception, bar area, tables and eating area; menu requirements; staff organisation; briefing; customer needs eg wheelchair access, children; contingency planning 3 Be able to provide food and drink service and customer service in a professional, safe and hygienic mannerRequirements: product knowledge; technical skills; appropriate procedures for operation eg welcoming customer, taking order, confirming choice, serving food and beverages using appropriate method, ensuring payment Food service: methods eg silver service, plate service, buffet, self-service, assisted service, room service, counter service; suitability of method for different operations; constraints eg cost-effectiveness, customer demand, timescale, staff skills, environment, layout Drink service: non-alcoholic eg soft drinks, bottled waters, teas, coffees; service procedures and tec hniques; cleaning and maintaining equipment eg uice dispensers, coffee machines; trends eg designer waters, healthy drinking options Customer service situations: communication method (face-to-face, on the telephone, in writing, by email); purpose eg providing information, giving advice, keeping records, providing assistance, dealing with problems, handling complaints, dealing with food allergies Professional approach: attitude; personal appearance; dress; hygiene; attentiveness; body language; attention to detail; relationships with colleagues; communication skills eg listening, speaking, relaying messages and orders accurately and promptly; teamwork; codes of practice Be able to review food and drink service provision Techniques: collecting information; sources of information eg customers, colleagues; feedback methods (qualitative, quantitative) eg questionnaires, comments books, staff meetings; making reasoned judgements based on available information Criteria: suitability of food and drink service provided; environment, preparation and layout; service provided (quality, speed); level of customer satisfaction; value for money 2 Edexcel BTEC Level 3 Nationals specification in Hospitality – Issue 1 – February 2010  © Edexcel Limited 2010 Assessment and grading criteriaIn order to pass this unit, the evidence that the learner presents for assessment needs to demonstrate that they can meet all the learning outcomes for the unit. The assessment criteria for a pass grade describe the level of achievement required to pass this unit. Assessment and grading criteria To achieve a pass grade the evidence must show that the learner is able to: To achieve a merit grade the evidence must show that, in addition to the pass criteria, the learner is able to: P1 explain the importance of the M1 meal experience in food and drink service situations [IE 4] P2 organise the preparation and ayout of a food and drink service operation [SM 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7] P3 demonst rate competent skills M2 show independence and in providing food and drink confidence in providing food service with appropriate tutor and drink service support P4 show a professional attitude at all times with relevant personal, social, technical and customer service skills [SM 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7] P5 review food and drink service M3 evaluate a food and drink provision. service operation and make [IE 6] recommendations for improvement using agreed criteria and relevant data. To achieve a distinction grade the evidence must show that, n addition to the pass and merit criteria, the learner is able to: analyse the suitability of different methods of service, operational procedures and levels of customer service in food service operations D1 show high levels of confidence, product knowledge and skills when providing food and drink service D2 assess a food and drink service operation, making justified recommendations for improvement, and produce an action plan for implementation. PLTS: Thi s summary references where applicable, in the square brackets, the elements of the personal, learning and thinking skills applicable in the pass criteria.It identifies opportunities for learners to demonstrate effective application of the referenced elements of the skills. IE – independent enquirers RL – reflective learners SM – self-managers CT – creative thinkers Key TW – team workers EP – effective participators Edexcel BTEC Level 3 Nationals specification in Hospitality – Issue 1 – February 2010  © Edexcel Limited 2010 3 Essential guidance for tutors Delivery Professionalism in the hospitality industry is vital to both the success of the hospitality business and to learners’ future careers.Future employers will expect recruits to demonstrate a professional attitude to their work, to themselves, to colleagues and to their employers. Tutors must take great care throughout their work to reinforce the importance of mai ntaining the right professional attitude, in terms of personal, social, technical and customer service skills when working with and communicating with others. It is important that learners are made aware of different types of food and drink service operations and the situations and contexts to which they are suited.While some centres may prefer to concentrate on traditional restaurant operations, the unit is designed to ensure that learners are prepared for employment in a range of food and drink service operations. It should be noted that this unit includes non-alcoholic beverages, and delivery should include the preparation and service of a range of teas, coffees and other non-alcoholic drinks. Tutors should be aware of developing trends in food and drink products and services in the hospitality industry, and should ensure that learners understand both the nature of the trends and their impact on hospitality operations.Much of the delivery will be through practical sessions. These could be supported through work placement prior to assessment to enable learners to develop food and drink service skills. Both practical sessions and work placements should be planned to enable a range of food service situations to be considered and to enable learners to apply their skills to these varied situations. Learners will also need to consider a variety of customer service situations that may arise through food and drink service. They could practise their skills through role plays of simulated scenarios.Learners should develop criteria to evaluate performance relating to each scenario and practise evaluating their own and others’ performance. Recording role plays using video and/or audio cassettes would assist selfevaluation. This unit could be delivered jointly with Unit 7: Alcoholic Beverage Service and could also be delivered alongside Unit 5: Supervisory Skills in the Hospitality Industry, as it offers the opportunity to organise and supervise a team in the del ivery of food and drink service. The application of evaluation techniques and criteria will also make a valuable ontribution to learners’ future role as supervisors in the hospitality industry. 4 Edexcel BTEC Level 3 Nationals specification in Hospitality – Issue 1 – February 2010  © Edexcel Limited 2010 Outline learning plan The outline learning plan has been included in this unit as guidance and can be used in conjunction with the programme of suggested assignments. The outline learning plan demonstrates one way in planning the delivery and assessment of this unit. Topic and suggested assignments/activities and/assessmentIntroduction to the unit and the programme of learning. Group discussion about food and drink service operations. Tutor explanation of key terms. Visits to hospitality businesses and observation of food and drink service operations – follow-up poster showing food and drink service operations within the businesses. Learners interview a member of staff from their own institution on the importance of the meal experience in food and drink service operations. Visits to hospitality businesses to find out about different food and drink service situations.Assignment 1 – The Importance of the Meal Experience in Food and Drink Service Operations (P1, M1) Learners produce a presentation about the importance of the meal experience in food and drink service operations based on visit. Group discussion to determine types of operation for different types of hospitality businesses. Videos or role-plays of preparation and layout of a food and drink service operation. Role-play exercises – organising the preparation and layout of a food and drink service operation. Assignment 2 – Organising the Preparation and Layout of a Food and Drink Service Operation (P2)Based on organising the preparation and layout of a food and drink service operation for real customers. Videos or role plays of providing food and drink service. Learners work alongside staff in their own institution providing food and drink service – receive feedback. Role-play exercises – providing food and drink service. Assignment 3 – Providing Food and Drink Service and Customer Service (P3, P4, M2, D1) Based on providing food and drink service to real customers. Learners investigate review techniques and criteria used in a business.Assignment 4 – Review of Food and Drink Service Provision (P5, M3, D2) An investigation of a business or related to a scenario leading to a piece of written work. Tutorial support and feedback. Self-initiated learning time. Edexcel BTEC Level 3 Nationals specification in Hospitality – Issue 1 – February 2010  © Edexcel Limited 2010 5 Assessment Any evidence submitted for criteria requiring the practical demonstration of skills, eg role plays or the ability to work independently, must be supported by observation sheet(s) signed by the assessor identifying h ow and why specific criteria have been met.The sub-headings in this section mirror the funnelling opportunities in the grading grid. They suggest how assessment can be grouped to allow learners to progress to the higher grades; however, they are not prescriptive. P1 – M1 To achieve P1, learners must explain the importance of the meal experience, based on their work experience or visits to a variety of businesses. Learners should include a minimum of three different situations in their explanation, covering each of the meal experience criteria.M1 requires learners to analyse in detail at least two different food and drink service operations, focusing on all aspects of the meal experience, operational issues and customer service. P2 For P2, learners need to show they can organise and implement the preparation and layout of the environment before starting the service. Evidence could be gathered through observation by the tutor of team briefings or a written brief together with e vidence of a single practical exercise when the learner has had specific responsibility.P3 – P4 – M2 – D1 To achieve P3, learners need to demonstrate food and drink service skills. This can be evidenced in the form of video tapes or witness testimonies from assessors and supported by written descriptions of the practical scenario. The evidence could, for the most part, come from the same practical situations as for P2. Although learners must show competent skills, at pass level it is expected that they will require guidance and support. Evidence for P4 could be in the form of video or witness testimonies from assessors.The witness testimonies should give sufficient information to confirm that the requirements of achieving a professional approach to personal, social, technical and customer service skills have been met, as have levels of teamwork and communication. The evidence for M2 must show that learners are capable of using initiative and show confidence and independence in food and drink service and customer care skills. Evidence should come from real-life food and drink service situations, and could be linked with Unit 26: Industry-related Project in Hospitality.Learners’ competence in meeting this criterion should be evidenced by an observation sheet with reference made to how and why the learner has achieved M2. To achieve D1, witness testimonies and/or observation sheets should give detailed information to confirm that the learner has demonstrated a high level of personal and technical skills. Examples of effective technical skills at this level could be a learner who is able to anticipate customer needs and can demonstrate customer service to a standard which is over and above that normally expected. 6 Edexcel BTEC Level 3 Nationals specification in Hospitality Issue 1 – February 2010  © Edexcel Limited 2010 P5 – M3 – D2 To achieve P5, learners are required to review food and drink service provision u sing appropriate evaluation techniques and criteria and should provide evidence which shows understanding of the need to measure the performance of a food service operation. The criteria should be specific and measurable. Examples of appropriate criteria could be ‘all tables are to receive orders within 15 minutes’ or ‘the menu should reflect good value for money compared to other similar businesses’. Learners should also explain the benefits of this approach.This can be done in general terms and need not be linked to a specific food service project, although evidence could be linked with Unit 26: Industry-related Project in Hospitality. Evidence for M3 will build on the criteria identified in P5. The criteria used could be predetermined by the assignment brief, but learners should relate the evidence to a specific practical scenario and produce valid recommendations for improvement. Learners should collect data from reliable sources, eg customer comment ca rds and feedback from colleagues, rather than basing the whole review on their own opinion.Evidence for D2 could be in the form of a presentation or a written report. Joint evaluation as part of a team would not be acceptable. Learners must set their own criteria for assessing a food and drink service operation and make recommendations for improvement that are justified and prioritised. The action plan should be realistic and achievable in the context of the chosen food and drink operation. Programme of suggested assignments The table below shows a programme of suggested assignments that cover the pass, merit and distinction criteria in the assessment and grading grid.This is for guidance and it is recommended that centres either write their own assignments or adapt any Edexcel assignments to meet local needs and resources. Criteria covered Assignment title Scenario P1, M1 The Importance of the Meal Experience in Food and Drink Service Operations Learners take the role of Learners c reate a restaurant manager and need to presentation for use with produce a presentation about new staff. the importance of the meal experience in food and drink service operations for use with new staff. P2 Organising the Preparation and Layout of a Food and Drink Service OperationLearners continue in the role Role play or work placement of restaurant manager and supported by observation are required to organise the sheets. preparation and layout of a food and drink service operation. P3, P4, M2, D1 Providing Food and Drink Service and Customer Service Learners continue in the role of restaurant manager and are required to provide food and drink service to real customers. Role play or work placement supported by observation sheets. P5, M3, D2 Review of Food and Drink Service Provision Learners continue in the role of restaurant manager and are asked to review the food and rink service provision. Learners produce material in suitable format – questionnaires, checklists. Edexce l BTEC Level 3 Nationals specification in Hospitality – Issue 1 – February 2010  © Edexcel Limited 2010 Assessment method 7 Links to National Occupational Standards, other BTEC units, other BTEC quali? cations and other relevant units and quali? cations This unit forms part of the BTEC Hospitality suite. This unit has particular links with the following unit titles in the Hospitality suite: Level 2 Level 3 Service of Food at Table Alcoholic Beverage Service Service of Alcoholic and Non-Alcoholic DrinksFood Service Organisation Essential resources It is essential for the delivery of this unit that learners have access to a real or simulated food service environment. Appropriate food and drink service equipment must also be provided, such as cappuccino machines, icemakers, blenders and other specialist equipment including glasses and china. Employer engagement and vocational contexts Visits and work experience with local food and drink service providers would provide l earners with an insight into food and drink service and help learners develop the skills required in different businesses providing food service.Developing hospitality industry links would enhance the delivery of this unit. Indicative reading for learners Textbooks Ceserani V and Foskett D – The Theory of Catering, 11th Edition (Hodder Arnold, 2007) ISBN 9780340939260 Hayter R – Food and Drink Service, 2nd Edition (Thomson Learning, 1996) ISBN 9781861526878 Lillicrap D and Cousins J – Food and Beverage Service, 7th Edition (Hodder Arnold, 2006) ISBN 9780340905241 Journal Caterer and Hotelkeeper – Reed Business Information Websites www. bha. org. uk British Hospitality Association www. caterersearch. com Caterersearch – Hospitality news www. catersource. om Catersource – Education, products and news for caterers www. cookeryonline. com Cookeryonline – Food, cookery and hospitality resources www. fdf. org. uk Food and Drink Federation w ww. people1st. co. uk People 1st – Sector Skills Council for Hospitality, Leisure, Travel and Tourism 8 Edexcel BTEC Level 3 Nationals specification in Hospitality – Issue 1 – February 2010  © Edexcel Limited 2010 Delivery of personal, learning and thinking skills The table below identifies the opportunities for personal, learning and thinking skills (PLTS) that have been included within the pass assessment criteria of this unit.Skill When learners are †¦ Independent enquirers P1 explaining the importance of the meal experience in food and drink service situations [IE 4] P5 reviewing food and drink service provision [IE 6] Self-managers P2 organising the preparation and layout of a food and drink service operation P3 demonstrating competent skills in providing food and drink service with appropriate tutor support P4 showing a professional attitude at all times with relevant personal, social, technical and customer service skills [SM 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7]Altho ugh PLTS are identified within this unit as an inherent part of the assessment criteria, there are further opportunities to develop a range of PLTS through various approaches to teaching and learning. Skill When learners are †¦ Reflective learners assessing their food and drink service provision [RL 1]. Edexcel BTEC Level 3 Nationals specification in Hospitality – Issue 1 – February 2010  © Edexcel Limited 2010 9 Functional Skills – Level 2 Skill When learners are †¦ ICT – Use ICT systems Select, interact with and use ICT systems independently for a complex task to meet a ariety of needs Use ICT to effectively plan work and evaluate the effectiveness of the ICT system they have used Manage information storage to enable efficient retrieval Follow and understand the need for safety and security practices Troubleshoot ICT – Find and select information Select and use a variety of sources of information independently for a complex task Acces s, search for, select and use ICTbased information and evaluate its fitness for purpose ICT – Develop, present and communicate information Enter, develop and format information independently to suit its meaning and urpose including: ? text and tables ? images ? numbers ? records Bring together information to suit content and purpose Present information in ways that are fit for purpose and audience Evaluate the selection and use of ICT tools and facilities used to present information Select and use ICT to communicate and exchange information safely, responsibly and effectively including storage of messages and contact lists 10 Edexcel BTEC Level 3 Nationals specification in Hospitality – Issue 1 – February 2010  © Edexcel Limited 2010 Skill When learners are †¦ MathematicsUnderstand routine and non-routine problems in a wide range of familiar and unfamiliar contexts and situations Identify the situation or problem and the mathematical methods needed to tac kle it Select and apply a range of skills to find solutions Use appropriate checking procedures and evaluate their effectiveness at each stage organising a food and drink service operation Interpret and communicate solutions to practical problems in familiar and unfamiliar routine contexts and situations Draw conclusions and provide mathematical justifications English Speaking and listening – make a range of ontributions to discussions and make effective presentations in a wide range of contexts discussing the importance of the meal experience presenting an evaluation of a food and drink operation and action plan. Reading – compare, select, read and understand texts and use them to gather information, ideas, arguments and opinions Writing – write documents, including extended writing pieces, communicating information, ideas and opinions, effectively and persuasively Edexcel BTEC Level 3 Nationals specification in Hospitality – Issue 1 – February 20 10  © Edexcel Limited 2010 11
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