Thursday, May 14, 2020
The No Child Left Behind - 952 Words
â€Å"In 2002, the No Child Left Behind (NCLB) law was the first to mandate nationwide testing at various grade levels†(Breiner, 2015). Since then, summative tests have been used to assess the achievement of students and increase accountability for both the schools and teachers (Kubiszyn Borich, 2013, p. 15-25). These summative tests, also referred to as high-stakes tests, are given annually to students in third to ninth grade in language arts, math, and reading (Roach, 2014; Shepard, 2003). There are critics stating that teachers are only teaching to these high-stakes tests, implying that there is no real learning improvement, as well as those who are for and against conducting high-stakes testing. Critics of high-stakes testing have suggested that teachers only teach to these tests and that the students are not learning. Because the results from high-stakes testing are used to make several important decisions, some teachers might feel as if they are pressured to teach to the test (Kubiszyn Borich, 2013, p. 30; Roach, 2014). Now, the teachers’ roles are not only to teach the students the curriculum, but they are also responsible for preparing students to pass these tests. This is done by teaching the students test taking strategies. Not only are the students learning the curriculum material for their state standards, but the test taking strategies can be used in real-world situations (Phelps, 2005, p. 159-160). There are benefits to usingShow MoreRelatedNo Child Left Behind958 Words  | 4 Pages Good intentions are no excuse to continue a fail policy. Since the No Child left Behind Act (NCLB) became in effect, teachers have been restricted to teach in a certain way. The No Child Left Behind Act of 2001, signed into law by President George W. Bush on January 8, 2002, which was a reauthorization of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965. President Bush once said; â€Å"education is the gateway to a hopeful future for America’s children. America relies on good teachersRead MoreThe No Child Left Behind1693 Words  | 7 Pagesnumber one nation that spends on per student than any other nation in in the world. With the high price of education and the high cost of funding, the country aims to ensure that all public schools in all states achieve quality education. The â€Å"No Child Left Behind†Act is America’s law that expanded the role of the federal government in education reform, particularly focused on improving the education of marginalized American students. At the core of this act are various measures in increasing studentRead MoreIs The No Child Left Behind?1626 Words  | 7 PagesOver the past dec ade or longer schools in the United States of America have been tasked to produce successful students. In 2002, then-President George W. Bush signed the No Child Left Behind (NCLB) act, yet another phase of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) (Cook, 2011). This has done little if anything to prepare students for college or life in general as the standardized tests used for assessing knowledge are actually a ranking method for evaluating aptitude rather than achievementRead MoreNo Child Left Behind1538 Words  | 7 Pagesand falls behind compared to other countries. Children today are tomorrow’s future. They are the next innovators, scientist, doctors, etc. However, the only way children can grow to make the future a better place is if they receive a world class education. It takes a team effort and collaboration of teachers, principals, school leaders and parents. A policy that appeared in the United States, which was close to addressing the flaws within the education system, is the No Child Left Behind policy (NCLB)Read MoreNo Child Left Behind2277 Words  | 10 PagesIn the case of No Child Left Behind (NCLB), is politics the enemy of problem solving? By examining selected political controversies surrounding NCLB, it will be demonstrated that politics is the enemy. Since NCLB’s enactment, vast amounts of research literature and news stories have been published on its effects, which demonstrates the impact and debate generated by this law. The major goals of this bipartisan legislation were to improve student performance through standardized testing by usingRead MoreThe No Child Left Behind1974 Words  | 8 Pagesorder to improve education in America, we have to go to the root of our problem in the school system and find better ways to enforce new rules and regulations that wouldn’t be detrimental to both students, scho ols, and educators alike. The No Child Left Behind (NCLB) Act is having a negative effect on our education system because it reduces the choices of schools for parents, and the distribution of qualified teachers. It also has a negative impact on the amount that kids are able to learn in schoolRead More No Child Left Behind1472 Words  | 6 Pagesgone into many wars. Not just physical wars that I am considered about but also wars on education. The nation could destroy its own glory and way of the source of great future that it rely on by initiating a war on the minds of the children. No Child Left Behind (NCLB) is a federal education policy that was developed in 2001. (Lagana-Riordan and Aguilar 135). NCLB is a program designed to minimize the differences in the level of education that white or rich people get to poor African-American, HispanicRead MoreThe No Child Left Behind8655 Words  | 35 PagesThe No Child Left Behind (NCLB) law, the 2001 update of the Elementary and Sec ondary Education Act (Klein, 2015), was put into place to ensure that all students, regardless of disability label, would meet state mandated academic goals by the 2013-2014 school year. The law was a collaborative effort between both political parties on Capitol Hill, as well as key stakeholders in the civil rights and business groups. The aim of NCLB was to â€Å"advance American competitiveness and close the achievement gapRead MoreNo Child Left Behind555 Words  | 2 Pagesschools and their mission to build the mind and character of every child, from every background in every part of America.†Pr. George W. Bush. The No Child Left Behind Act has plenty of advantages such as: helping students with disabilities, guiding teachers and parents so that they can help the child, and push the child to succeed. Students with language disabilities will be at a disadvantage in reading. The No Child Left Behind has provides students with tutors and extra help with homework. PresidentRead MoreNo Child Left Behind2624 Words  | 11 Pagesthis Paper The No Child Left Behind Act has stacked the deck against schools with special needs. At this point in time with the 2004 elections right around the corner, it seems that this Act is taking a lot of criticism for its rigid approach to the educational progress of our children today. No Child Left Behind has some wonderful goals and aspirations: to close the student achievement gap, make public schools accountable, set standards of excellence for every child, and put a qualified
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